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I am a Practitioner of 'The 7e Way of Leaders' where a Leader will Envision, Enable (ASK for TOP D), Empower, Execute, Energize, and Evolve grounded on ETHICS!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Daily Lessons from Life 21 February 2017 - Sgp Buuct8vitudget FY2018

Still a bit blur abt the budget except the water rates will go up by 30% over the next 2 July.

Dropping productivity for digitisation is another word for productivity right? I hope so as if we r not going to look at the cost of doing business n cost of living raising at a rate higher that revenue growth, we will miss the big universal obstacles!

The capping of the government expenditure by a reduction of 2% is hopefully going to be productive.

The continuation of denying normal young couples cannot afford to buy HDB flat- resale or new - means there is no desire to let the "market price" drops by the sum provided through subsidies.  No? Of course, this is a way to keep the resale HDB flat prices STABLE as we hv more, I believe, holders who can't maintain the mortgage if the valuation dropped!!

Targeted industry help is definitely welcome. Yet, construction sector not moving fast or could not as it SIMPLY cannot get the required Sgp workers to work on the mega public infrastructure projects will mean problem remained unsolved. Again, if these mega projects r won by foreign companies, especially China ones, they can bring in project-specific Chinese workers m bring them back when the projects r completed. Very much like when the Koreans built the then tallest hotel in the world, Stamford Hotel.

This government still has the mindset that costs can only go up but prices cannot come down. A fallacy that had been repeatedly smashed in the semiconductor industry where immediately following every introduction of new n more power IC r coat reduction programs with anticipation the prices will drop!

I hope seriously that when MPs meet to debate this Budget, more thots can be spent 9n defining what is "reasonable profit after Selling Price minus Costs".

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