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I am a Practitioner of 'The 7e Way of Leaders' where a Leader will Envision, Enable (ASK for TOP D), Empower, Execute, Energize, and Evolve grounded on ETHICS!

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Daily Lessons from Life 22 February 2017 - The end matters...

"Convicted ex-Hong Kong leader Donald Tsang sentenced to 20 months in jail

HONG KONG: Former Hong Kong leader Donald Tsang was on Wednesday (Feb 22) sentenced to 20 months in prison after a high-profile corruption trial found him guilty of misconduct during his time at the helm of the city.
Tsang, 72, held the leadership post of chief executive for seven years from 2005 and is the most senior city official ever to be convicted in a criminal trial.
The sentence brings to an ignominious end what had been a long and stellar career for Tsang in the Asian financial hub before and after the 1997 handover to Chinese rule, and reaffirmed what some observers said was Hong Kong's strong rule of law in bringing even the most powerful to justice."
This is a very very sad ending for Donald. He of Citigroup fame before being roped into the politics of HKG n then Hkg SAR. Though he must hv felt pretty good with being the Chief of HKG SAR, hopefully. 
Anyway, the point is he supposedly saved only a few bucks vs. the very high pay he was getting for the corruption charges he was sentenced for. Surely a highly educated n world-wise guy like him know it is not worth the risk. So, what could hv driven him to commit this silly act? Probably this thing called: "Entitlement" mentality!! 
This is the risk I feared most when Sgp government firmly believe only when we pay high pay (fixed pay is what I hv a serious problem with while unlimited object variable pay can be an issue too) so we will not get corrupted monkeys as the monkeys may not get corrupted but developed entitlement mentality!!
Is there a way to prevent this? Besides the integrity of the incumbent, the anti-corruption regime Sgp government put on place should work well. The obvious charges r unlikely to happen here too though the almost unprovable playing favorites may still exist. Hence the need to "appear to be impartial" too!!
All the best Donald. Hope you r kept separated from many u put away in the same prison!!

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