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I am a Practitioner of 'The 7e Way of Leaders' where a Leader will Envision, Enable (ASK for TOP D), Empower, Execute, Energize, and Evolve grounded on ETHICS!

Monday, February 20, 2017

Daily Lessons from Life 20 February 2017 - Religious Power vs. Gun Powder?

Finance Minister Heng just presented the FY2018 Budget this afternoon in Sgp. The press dubbed it as: 'Comeback Budget' with reference to his recovery from a scary stroke last year after his maiden Budget speech. Will need to read more before commenting.

In the meantime, looking at the unenviable task of the almighty Thai Junta's police and military personnel testing the power of religion vs. their gun powder in the standoff in Bangkok is enough to remind EVERYONE that messing with religious group can be pretty frightening, especially if you are NOT prepared to go ALL THE WAY. By that I mean, using brute forces on the peaceful, until they got hit, protesters who are of that particular religious faith.

Of course, strictly speaking, from a layman point of view, Buddhism is never a religion but a way of life or philosophy of life as Buddha never claimed to be a God. The ultimate is supposedly for each mortal to attain nirvana or enlightenment himself or herself. There is no life after death or some heaven thingy. Alas, some, or many, will contest my 'poor understanding' of Buddhism. So, be it.

The point is this: religion is powered by emotion and not rationality. When the devoted is prepared to DIE for that religion, the usual weapons to scare people into submission are totally useless!

All the best to the stand-off. Hope no serious damages will come from this.

p/s: Does anyone care if the Head Monk had amassed large sum of money and live in an 'oxygen rich' chamber? Nah!! Not the faithful. Only the doubters, who are not to be trusted anyway! LOL!!

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