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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Daily Lessons from Life 30 January 2017 - Sgp Culture

1st of all, condolences to the dead killed in Quebec, Canada, terrorists attacks as confirmed by the authorities. Some anti-Islamic gunmen did that instead of the usual terrorists using Islam as an excuse to kill innocent people!

"SINGAPORE: A society that is rooted in culture will face the world with confidence. The stronger the roots are, the better Singapore can withstand the impact of changes happening around the world, said Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Law K Shanmugam at a Chinese New Year event on Monday (Jan 30)."

Well said. At the same time, what is Sgp Culture? Sure hope he had elaborated on it. For me it is:

1. mutual respect for each other regardless of race, language or religion. Period!;
2. be self- assured n pick the big fight n leave the small unwinnable fights alone! e.g. stop telling China it is violating international laws when it has made clear South China Seas n One-China is non-negotiable to us, USA n any other countries. Or to pick a fight with our neighbours as making enemies of neighbours is the dumbest thing to do!;
3. hv diversity n inclusiveness as diversity without inclusiveness is totally useless;
4. be sure our local talents r really as good as the many surveys said we r top of the world ranking. If true, why r we having many expats occupying senior roles in Sgp?
5. stop thinking that the oppositions r against Sgp. They hv to win the voters over when the government failed to heed the basic needs of the 70% majority. 

Enough for now.

Can the government defines Sgp culture next?

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