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I am a Practitioner of 'The 7e Way of Leaders' where a Leader will Envision, Enable (ASK for TOP D), Empower, Execute, Energize, and Evolve grounded on ETHICS!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Daily Lessons from Life 31 January 2017 - 1/12 of 2017 is GONE!!

Missed last night blogging due to a late engagement till past midnight. Lo and behold! 1/12th of 2017 is GONE!! Just like that! And President Trump has been true to his PE campaign words by shaking and SHOCKING the Americans and the world with a rapid fire of Executive Orders to revert/cancel/change some MAJOR policies in domestic and foreign affairs!

He, in fact, did get to utter his most memorable line in his Reality TV series 'The Apprentice' to his acting Attorney General: 'YOU are FIRED!' for doubting his legitimacy of his Executive Order of banning 'temporarily'(?) citizens from 7 major Islamic Muslim nations! He even got the CEOs of the many high tech companies to be so concerned that they are meeting to consider how to react/respond to this BAN as their companies have talents from these 7 nations. Of course, President Trump definitely enjoys the fact that some of the states of USA are suing him for this particular Executive Order!

Donald Trump is really pushing the envelop and testing the strength of USA's less than 300 years of democratic rules. Some doomsayers are comparing the current situation to that of Adolf Hitler's reign just before WWII! Will it go that far? Hopefully not though it is an intriguing scenario!

As 1 Feb 2017 dawned on us, let's see what else will come out from Trump's White House!!

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