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I am a Practitioner of 'The 7e Way of Leaders' where a Leader will Envision, Enable (ASK for TOP D), Empower, Execute, Energize, and Evolve grounded on ETHICS!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Daily Lessons from Life 24 January 2017 - Teerex returns n 1-Party Rules

1. Good news that the Terrex tanks hv been returned to Sgp by the Hkg SAR Custom

Just as I said there was a piece of good news abt Sino-Sgp relationship with the news releases of the restart of a joint government council meeting a week or two ago, this Terrex saga has come to a close.

It is hoped that the one-party dominated government has learned something abt dealing with a long time friend who hv grown big n strong n has a view of how its own national interests should be advanced.

Citing "violation" of international laws n talking self-righteously abt our sovereign right publicly is not the way to resolve differences between long time friends, especially with equally face-conscious China since Sgp was pretty keen to keep our face too!!

2. Minister of Education Ong's view that Sgp has a better shot at continued successes with a 1-Party Rules vs. a 2- or multiparty rules is alarming as it can be achieved with the MoE "teaching" that idea in our education  system from nursery to tertiary educational institutions! A bit like brainwashing in the uniquely North Korea's way!! Is that what we want?

Actually Sgp can hv many political parties n when the dominant ruling party continued to meet the 70% of the voters' needs n aspirations, the many opposite political parties' candidates will hv NO CHANCE to be in parliament. Yes?

At the same time, if the dominant ruling party strayed from heeding the majority of the voters' voices, as Minister Ong was well aware as the losing candidate in the GE2011, it can lose a GE even with a powerful figures like our late MM/SM/PM Lee n PM Lee plugging for the PAP candidates!

In Brexit n Trump cases, it is NOT due to 2- or multiparty politics that the "black swan" emerged winners. It is the irrefutable FACT that the establishment has ignored the majority's plight that triggered a "what the heck, let's try someone or something that might work!!"

It will be truly scary if Minister Ong n his 4th generation leaders don't see this!!

Majulah Singapura!!

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