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Sunday, January 15, 2017

Daily Lessons from Life 14 January 2017 - Something is non-negotiable

"'One China' principle is non-negotiable: Beijing

SHANGHAI: China's foreign ministry said on Saturday (Jan 14) that its "One China" principle was the non-negotiable political basis for China-U.S. relations, and urged "relevant parties" in the United States to recognise the sensitivity of the Taiwan issue.
The comments, posted on the foreign ministry's website, were a direct response to remarks by US President-elect Donald Trump in an interview with the Wall Street Journal in which he said the "One China" policy was negotiable."
It is clear that "One China" policy is non-negotiable as it reiterated for the nth time n to the current still sole superpower of the world, USA. 
Where will this lead countries in this region caught in between those geopolitical gamesmanship?
We don't hv much experience really compare to those eastern bloc with USSR then Russia. The many warring middle eastern countries with Israel/Saudi Arabia/Iran/Iraq/Egypt/Turkey/ etc.
It is a different league dealing with the Asean neighbours. 
If we go with pure business terms, Ch8na is closer n on the rise. USA is turning inwards n focus on growing domestically. Foreign affairs may not be Trump's focus or hobby. Trying to contain China in Asia means more money n distraction for Trump. As long as more nations r happy with China's help than getting hurt, nothing need to be done.
Pragmatism can take precedence. 
In geopolitical sphere, there is no eternal enemies. Keep that in mind for a small nation. Seems pathetic n weak. Yet, the fittest survivors r not the righteous only but someone flexible while keeping the right path ultimately. 

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