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I am a Practitioner of 'The 7e Way of Leaders' where a Leader will Envision, Enable (ASK for TOP D), Empower, Execute, Energize, and Evolve grounded on ETHICS!

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Daily Lessons from Life 12-13 January 2017 - Adaptability to survive n thrives

"Ability to change, adapt is especially relevant as world reaches inflection point!"

Well said Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen.

Darwinism spells out: the fittest survived. N the "fittest" is not the toughest nor the strongest but the most adaptable.

In machines, the choices be programed by the designers n code writers. In the natural biological world, the choices r sometimes genetically coded. Other times, behaviours to survive can be learned n exercised. This is especially so in a lot of interactions between human beings!

It is simpler between individuals n a lot more complex between groups of individual. It becomes even more complex when it is between countries!

National pride, so-called "patriotism", etc. got magnified multifold. Judgement gets muddled by such emotional factors that hard cold rational calculation has no chance. 

The recent Terrex incident required us to be adaptable n change how we interact with China. Minister Ng can surely empathise. 

1. China has grown stronger. Sgp used to be able to help them in their learning g journey. They had benefited especially due to our latest x-PM/SM/MM Lee Kuan Yew's status n friendship with their most senior leaders. Partly also due to late Mr Lee's connections with the West. Now, that had changed!;

2. "One China" has become even more important for China after Ms Tsai Yin Wen became President of ROC (Taiwan province of PROC). Not forgetting China recently said HKG SAR will NOT be allowed t9 become a Base for "division of China". This given team recent political n PR mess created by the "Occupy Central" n 2 young newly elected Legco members' swearing in ceremony;

3. USA has Trump who is unlike anything the Americans hv known as the US President will deal hard with the Chinese. It may not need Sgp as the bridge anymore though it may still want to use Sgp as a Base since the Okinawans n the Philippines r no longer welcoming the Yanks troops;

Given these macro environment changes, do we need to adjust our strategic behaviours to survive n thrive?

We r, n will always be, an independent sovereign nation regardless of national pride n "face". We had been called worst name by the communists in the '60s n '70s. "The lackeys of Uncle Sam" was one such most uncomplimentary label. We r still very much an independent country then as is now.

So, do CHANGE as we need China more than they need us NOW!! 

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