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I am a Practitioner of 'The 7e Way of Leaders' where a Leader will Envision, Enable (ASK for TOP D), Empower, Execute, Energize, and Evolve grounded on ETHICS!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Daily Lessons from Life 10 January 2017 - Reckless users of personal mobility devices to face fines, jail time

"Reckless users of personal mobility devices to face fines, jail time"

There u go! We just need strong laws with heavy punishment to deal with reckless personal mobility device users.

Educate for all we like. That has to be done. After that: punished them hard. For me, jailing them is silly as it will run out of space very soon. Caning may help besides confiscating their PMDs n fine.

Sad but it is the reality.

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