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I am a Practitioner of 'The 7e Way of Leaders' where a Leader will Envision, Enable (ASK for TOP D), Empower, Execute, Energize, and Evolve grounded on ETHICS!

Monday, January 9, 2017

Daily Lessons from Life 08 January 2017 - Roast of Donald Trump 2015?

Watched "The Roast" featuring Donald Trump maybe dated in 2015 6 months before he announced his Presidential Election intent, n marvelled at the culture of "Roast" in the USA.

For the uninitiated, "The Roast " is in the Comedy Central channel where willing celebrity will sit on a throne n be "roasted" i.e. be bombarded by sarcastic n insulting remarks or jokes by invited roasters! Of course the "roasted" will hv the last say to roast his/her "uncomplimentary" nasty toasters to be fair. All proceeds go to charity!!

Trump, now watching it, had been very clear that he WILL be running for the Presidency then in his final roast!! Indeed, probably no one in the penal of roasters or the distinguished audience ever believe that he will be successful, not just winning the Republican candidacy against unbelievable odds, but beating the Democrats candidate, in the Electoral College votes n narrowly lost the popular votes.

This type of show will never be acceptable in PAP-run Sgp. N I agree as some of the remarks were laced with profanity n incestuous implications that decent mass society should not endorsed.

I truly wonder if anyone been roasted ever take some of the roasts too personally as some are downright crude, cynical n dark. Racist too if I may add.

This "show" revealed to me how USA is such a great country in embracing diversity n stupidity at the same time.

That most people accept the principle that if u agree to come to "The Roast" show, be prepared for no hold bar digs!!

Interesting but a perplexing practice for me.

ps: Ivanka is, indeed, very pretty. 

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