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I am a Practitioner of 'The 7e Way of Leaders' where a Leader will Envision, Enable (ASK for TOP D), Empower, Execute, Energize, and Evolve grounded on ETHICS!

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Daily Lessons from Life 06 January 2017 - Minister Shanmugam n Terrex

1. Minister Shanmugam compared AMK TC GM CPIB Probe against WP-run AHTC Financial Governance issue

He has been designated or volunteered to be the "attacker" against opposition political parties in recent years. Maybe more appropriately termed: defender of PAP Way vs. all others.

Whatever. This comparison did elicit a response from the WP which just said, in essence: lots of speculations on frauds, improper payments n weak governance, etc. but no CPIB investigation warranted.

This vs. CPIB probing the AMK TC GM. Enough said.

As I reiterated in the past, it is heartening to see that CPIB is probing the AMK TC GM despite it being a bit embarrassing that  PM- led TC has this incident happening. Oversight or lax governance?

2. MPs to raise questions on the still unresolved Terrex tanks in Hkg SAR Custom

Rightly so we need to ask questions.

Most importantly are:

1. is it alarming that we r still maintaining that relation with China are very good?

2. be clear abt our position that: Sgp is a small nation that rely on international all laws to maintain international dispute n has NO business in telling China what it SHOULD do?

3. reflect on speeches or comments like: 'no country can be like Middle Kingdom', 'our problem is calling a spade a spade n we don't go around deliberal8poking other people's eyes', 'why is this happening g when we had been doing this for so many years', etc.

4. lay out clearly how do we plan to engage China, Trump-led USA n Russia?

All the best to the recovery of our Terrex tanks. 

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