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I am a Practitioner of 'The 7e Way of Leaders' where a Leader will Envision, Enable (ASK for TOP D), Empower, Execute, Energize, and Evolve grounded on ETHICS!

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Daily Lessons from Life 05 January 2017 - Peter Lim's Valencia, Culpable homicide for 'Against the flow driver', and ...

1. Billionaire Mr Peter Lim probably did not expect his bankrolled club's fans asking, no, telling, him to go home when he bought the club a few years back! It was the 1st by a Singaporean to buy a relatively top notch European football clubs after the Middle East sheiks, the Thais, etc. had done that earlier.

When Mr Peter Lim 1st took over, the club did not too badly! I believe it was in the top 6 of La Giga where the likes of Messi, C. Ronaldo and fellow millionaires footballers play their trade! Alas, with misplaced trust in an ex-Manchester United, ex-England player whose name shall be spared the embarrassment, a year plus ago, the club was never the same. That fellow left with the 2nd worst loss/win statistic followed by another unfortunate manager with the worst loss/win record in Valencia's history. Then came the coup to have netted the ex-Italy manager who guided Italy to the 2nd spot in the 2016 World Cup! Alas, he jumped ship after an uninspiring few matches. Supposedly because he was told he cannot buy the players he wanted to beef up the team. A couple of millions lost!

Is this an, or another, example of Singaporeans CANNOT manage INTERNATIONAL talent/businesses? This SHOULD not be the case anymore though Singapore International DID paid a lot of expensive lessons when it 1st ventured beyond Asean and Asia!

Maybe it is just the football gods are not cutting some slacks for Valencia. Maybe the luck will change after the winter break?

2. The driver who drove against the traffic and caused 1 death and 2 injured at the Tuas Checkpoint may, or will, face 'culpable homicide' instead of just a traffic violation of 'reckless driving'

While no one likes to see anyone who had, or caused, a fatal accident to be punished too severely as 'accident' implied that there were some unintentional carelessness. 'Reckless driving' of this serious degree i.e. driving against the traffic flow as high speed, cannot be given the same treatment, unless the driver was truly 'mentally unsound'!

So, hopefully the Traffic Police will reveal more details on the state of mind of that driver on that day and how did he ever do what he had done, maybe we can learn from this unfortunate case!

p/s: Reform Party supposedly issued a statement on the need for impartiality, an appearance of independence, in the CPIB's investigation of the AMK TC GM as PM Lee is one of the MPs of AMK and hence responsible for AMK TC affairs ultimate, just as the PAP MPs/Ministers had been hammering home how the WP MPs responsible for AHTC's financial governance saga should be charged for negligence of their 'fiduciary' duties. I wonder what has the PAP MPs/Ministers to say?

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