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I am a Practitioner of 'The 7e Way of Leaders' where a Leader will Envision, Enable (ASK for TOP D), Empower, Execute, Energize, and Evolve grounded on ETHICS!

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Daily Lessons from Life 04 January 2017 - Odd Bedfellows: Trump and 'his' Intelligence Agencies and ...

President-elect Trump simply loves to rock the boat and catches everyone, except his family members and some closest of confidants, or maybe even them, by surprise with his 'tweets'!

It will be very interesting to observe how his 'working' or 'not-working' relationship with the USA, not his, intelligence agencies after he is formally inaugurated as the President of USA on 20 January 2017!

He has so far tweeted his doubts about how credible the CIA and FBI and what-not had been saying about the Russian's hacking to influence the presidential election that he just won not once but more than once in recent past.

If someone else is to say that openly, he or she could, or could they not, be accused of treason and betrayal of the nation! Yet, Trump, and probably only he can pull this off unscathed, had repeatedly said exactly the opposite things about the 'supposed' enemies of the USA expounded by the out-going USA President Obama's administration. Strange indeed this USA-style democracy!

Anyway, he WILL be the next President of the USA. The electorate has spoken. The establishment has accepted the inevitable. Let's get on with whatever could happen and less 'speculations' or 'intelligent guesses' about what President Trump will or will not do!

p/s: I hope that the CFE Report that Minister Heng is going to announce on 20 January 2017 will have different sets of assumptions on what President Trump will or will not do e.g. likely scenario - TPP is out, Trump will get USA to invest in the USA and trigger a boom in infrastructure building to bring the rust belt to be on par as the global cities of New York,/LA/SF.

Worst case scenario that involves also Sgp-China relationship - China totally cut Sgp out of any favours due to perception, rightly or wrongly, of Sgp being a USA 'lackey', a term that is almost lost since the fervent Communism time! while Trump's USA also take us as an 'not long that useful expandable pawn'!

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