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I am a Practitioner of 'The 7e Way of Leaders' where a Leader will Envision, Enable (ASK for TOP D), Empower, Execute, Energize, and Evolve grounded on ETHICS!

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Daily Lessons from Life 26 December 2016 - Bus crash n phone? George the Gay!

1. Malaysian authority looking into bus driver looking at phone while driving

Following the dreadful n deadly KL-Sgp bus crash that killed 14, including 3 Singaporeans n 1 PR, a clip showing a bus driver looking at his phone repeatedly went viral. There is also call for mandatory seat belts n even stopping overnight rides.

We only know the bus that crashed was supposedly speeding. At the same time let's be clear this is an accident n that the driver n his baby daughter were tragically killed too.

So, obviously all angles must be looked at to find the root causes n prevent this tragedy from happening again.

To this end, stop looking at phone while driving is the 1st on the list. Relying human's discipline to comply with this is not good enough. Maybe some AI n technology can help.  Seat belts can be solved similarly once installed.

As for stopping overnight rides, it is overdone as passengers want this convenience. The service providers hv to find a safe way to deliver this.  N they will with some of the earlier preventive measures mentioned.

2. George Michael passed away at a young 53 years of age

Another talented artist died prematurely. In this circle, such cases semi like a natural occurrences. Of should they need natural? Yes there r some who would rather die than to become "no longer famous". Yet, there r probably more involuntary death than death by design.

Some of the hardest rockers n x-heavy drugs abusers live on, even making music passed 60! So, it need not be an inevitable fate!!

Anyway, George has a turbulent n traumatic past. N recent addiction to drugs again. He will be remembered for some of the best pop songs. He also will be hailed as a special breed of gay rights advocates. Again, it seems more LGBT in the artistic circle than other fields though we hv our shares of lawyers, doctors, CEOs n other professionals. Whatever it may be, he is what he is. May he RIP. Thank you for those songs.

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