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I am a Practitioner of 'The 7e Way of Leaders' where a Leader will Envision, Enable (ASK for TOP D), Empower, Execute, Energize, and Evolve grounded on ETHICS!

Monday, December 26, 2016

Daily Lessons from Life 25 December - Pope's Xmas Message ...

"Pope's Christmas message offers hope in world hit by terrorism, war

VATICAN CITY: Pope Francis on Sunday (Dec 25) offered a Christmas hope for peace in a world lacerated by war and terrorism, urging people to remember migrants, refugees and those hit by economic instability caused by "idolatry of money".
Francis, marking the fourth Christmas season since his election in 2013, also urged Palestinians and Israelis, facing renewed tension after a U.N. resolution condemning Israeli settlements on occupied land, to have the courage to put aside hate and revenge and "write a new page of history"."
This Pope is one I like a lot as he is different from the rest. Not just because he is the 1st Pope from the Latin America but that he is bold n seems determine to change the secretive n opaques Vatican's mysterious way of "governing". Of course not to mention the very corrupt way of how they could not face up to bring justice to those thousands of violated boys by their members n the shady money deals.
Did the politicians change since his last 3 Xmas messages delivered? Of course not as they hv no obligation to do what the Pope asks of them. There r too much to lose for them. So, will the Pope's 4th Xmas message delivery will change the politicians? No. Then why bothered? U see. If the Pope gives up preaching to the unconvinced n unconverted, what chance is there of ever changing these people? Pope's speeches give some hope. N hope, sometimes is all we got. With HOPE, there is still a chance for redemption. Without hope, it is really games over!!
While Christmas day is supposed to be peaceful. There were reports of attacks against Christian Churches in some places. Let it be n look to the future always with hope.
Ps: We r still hopeful that the Terrex tanks will be returned to us very soon by HKG SAR authority after China gives the go-ahead. Ya?

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