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I am a Practitioner of 'The 7e Way of Leaders' where a Leader will Envision, Enable (ASK for TOP D), Empower, Execute, Energize, and Evolve grounded on ETHICS!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Daily Lessons from Life 21 June 2015 - Use of Firearms (?) and Keeping Environment Clean

1. "Use of firearms taken 'very seriously': DPM Teo - CNA 21 June 2015

SINGAPORE: Deputy Prime Minister and Home Affairs Minister Teo Chee Hean said the use of any firearms is taken very seriously, and that police are investigating Saturday's (Jun 20) incident at Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, where gunshots were heard.

He made these comments on the sidelines of a community event on Sunday. "It's a very serious offence to discharge a firearm illegally," said DPM Teo. "Police are investigating the matter now."
Police said in a statement that a 24-year-old Singaporean man under arrest had been escorted to the hospital yesterday to seek medical attention after he complained of chest pains.
While inside a private hospital room, the suspect attempted to escape and struggled with the officer. During the struggle shots were fired. The man was brought under control and remains in police custody.

Police said members of the public were not in any danger at any time. The suspect had superficial injuries, while the 31-year-old police officer suffered gunshot wounds to his thumb and foot. The police officer was sent to Tan Tock Seng Hospital.
A Khoo Teck Puat Hospital spokesman said the police officer needed immediate microsurgery on his hand and a hand surgeon was immediately available at Tan Tock Seng Hospital.
He is in stable condition."

Hmmm. Is this a case of: "Discharge of firearms or an accidental firing off during the 'struggle' between the 'arrested man' and the policeman on duty?"

Discharge of a non-official firearms or an official firearms by unauthorised persons is definitely a very serious issue. For the latter, the opportunity for the unauthorised persons to discharge an official firearms must be zero.

So, in this particular case, we DO need to find out WHAT happened in that room. How are our official firearms safeguarded from 'being discharge' during a struggle?

Am glad that nobody get hurt except the suspect and the policeman involved. Also glad that the injured policeman is in a stable condition. Keep well and a speedy recovery to the involved officer.

2. "Ideas to solve littering at NEA hackathon - CNA 21 June 2015

SINGAPORE: Reducing waste, encouraging recycling and solving the problem of littering at leisure and sporting events were issues participants at this year's "Clean and Green" hackathon, organised by the National Environment Agency (NEA), had to come up solutions for.

After two days of deliberating and prototype development, a variety of ideas emerged.

An app that allows users to upload a picture of an item to find out if it can be recycled, and litter bins that reward people for disposing their trash were some of the 18 ideas generated at NEA's fourth hackathon event, which saw about 150 people take part.

A group called Green Sense on Sunday (Jun 21) took home the first prize of S$2,000 cash. The group came up with a mobile messaging platform that uses location-based technology at sporting or leisure events.

The platform will inform spectators of the nearest trash bins based on their location. Spectators can use the app to inform organisers when the bins are full.

"Green Sense had a really simple but readily executable solution to dealing with litter at big events - so I think that was something the judges liked a lot about that,” said Mr Adam Lyle, executive chairman of Padang & Co. and co-partner of the NEA Clean and Green Hackathon.

“For the second one - 'QBM'- it was a fun and simple way to educate people about what can be recycled - it was both its simplicity and also its fun nature. And the third prize - 'Trashy People' - which is a kind of funny name - it had a refreshing to the cradle-to-grave approach to recycling. They all came from different angles - those three - but they each expressed good insights into how to make Singapore cleaner and greener."

"These are challenges and issues all of us in Singapore face,” said Mr Ronnie Tay, CEO of NEA.

NEA says it found a number of ideas from the hackathon useful. It has implemented ideas from previous such events."

I am thrilled that we have such activities and wished I knew about it.

Lessons for me are:

1. MOST important for me is: WHAT are the results of the adopted Winners from the 1st 3 Hackathon todate?;

2. My suggestion to this year winner's idea: 'Use the Internet of Things technologies' to design the rubbish bins! Some of the technologies are already here like: sensor to detect rubbish bins are almost overflowing and automatically triggered a mechanism to crush the rubbishes and replace a new bag or something! No need to rely on people keeping the APP Opened at all times!;

3. the SIMPLEST solution: make sure that you and I and our kids and our friends are NOT litter bugs! Period! It is a simple 'Power of 1!' If your kids and friends and colleagues are littering, they probably don't deserve your as parents, friends and colleague! Oh yeah! ;-)  OK. I am a bit extreme here. We still spoil our kids, friends and colleagues. No? Well, if so, go back to relying on other means that we know are imperfect!!

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