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I am a Practitioner of 'The 7e Way of Leaders' where a Leader will Envision, Enable (ASK for TOP D), Empower, Execute, Energize, and Evolve grounded on ETHICS!

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Daily Lessons from Life 25 February 2017 - Back to Normal!

1st, sad to learn Leicester City FC has fired their manager who led the team to a fairy tales EPL Championship title last season!! It pains u when fairy tales don't last. Yet? it is how the real world is. Perform m all r good. Otherwise, just business n nothing personal.

2nd, After the strange Teerex Tanks incident, China n Sgp get back to normal. The more constructive way instead of playing with egos n pride. It is business. Nothing personal. Just be mindful who has more power.

"Singapore and China to hold top-level bilateral forum in Beijing on Monday

SINGAPORE: The Joint Council for Bilateral Cooperation (JCBC) - the highest-level bilateral forum between Singapore and China - will be held on Monday (Feb 27) in Beijing. 
Singapore Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean will make a three-day official visit to Beijing from Sunday at the invitation of China's Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli. Both leaders are co-chairs of the JCBC, which provides a platform to discuss ways to deepen cooperation between Singapore and China.
This would be the 13th JCBC meeting which has been held every year since 2004, with the exception of last year. Channel NewsAsia understands that it had to be postponed as Vice Premier Zhang had to attend an important domestic meeting."

If we want economic opportunities, China is definitely one of the must be places. Build on the hard work done in the last 2-3 decades. The Chinese has grown much after it was awaken by Chairman Deng re-engaged with capitalism.

In the process it has created tremendous wealth in abt 10-30% of its people. Some r rich by world ranking m definitely beyond their wildest dream n imagination! The breakneck growth also means poisoning of its environment re air, water n soils. It also means a portion of its business people r so focused on making money that ethics n decency are casted out of their minds. 

Many of their better educated wealthy comrades r migrating. Yet, no country in the world can take in these 10-20% fairly "good people" without making their own local 2nd class citizens as they numbered in the tension of millions. 
So the key is to hv a China Dream where No Chinese will leave China as they develop it on a sustainable basis. 
As for Chairman Xi's One Belt One Road vision, there will be trade offs Sgp need to make. In fact, some r darned direct competition with some of our traditional strengths. We will want to negotiate the treacherous n VUCA period to stay connected n be relevant as much as possible. 
We want to be equal partner in the growth. At the same time, we will be realistic to promote revelance. Make the best of whatever gov-to-gov projects going as best as possible while the private sector be linked to Chinese global companies' network a such as we linked with the Western allies of USA, UK, EU n ANZ; not forgetting Asean, especially Indonesia!

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