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I am a Practitioner of 'The 7e Way of Leaders' where a Leader will Envision, Enable (ASK for TOP D), Empower, Execute, Energize, and Evolve grounded on ETHICS!

Friday, February 24, 2017

Daily Lessons from Life 24 February 2017 - Cheats in Sgp!

"Manager jailed 34 weeks for exploiting more than 100 foreign workers - CNA 24 Feb 2017" and
"Action taken against 4,400 who submitted false claims for SkillsFuture credit - CNA 24 Feb 2017"

A bit sad to read of such news in a developed 1st world nation. Sure it is unrealistic to expect even the proclaimed most advanced and developed country in the world to be free of cheats, it is still disheartening to read of such cheats in our own nation.

The 'Manager' who exploited more than 100 FWs deserved the punishment. Hopefully more will be prosecuted to send the message that 'crimes do not pay' in Singapore. If you do it, you will be found out. You will be, it is a matter of when you will be and NOT if you will or not!

SkillsFutureCredit frauds and cheats after the PIC frauds and cheats. These people just want to try their luck don't they. May they be punished severely to set an example. Hopefully none of them were doped by 'devious consultants' who claimed to be 'doing them a favour' to complete these SkillsFutureCredit claims! If so, hope the laws can make the distinction between the 'mastermind' and the 'unknowing accomplices'.

Fight cheats we must!!

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