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I am a Practitioner of 'The 7e Way of Leaders' where a Leader will Envision, Enable (ASK for TOP D), Empower, Execute, Energize, and Evolve grounded on ETHICS!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Daily Lessons from Life 13 February 2017 - Rwanda: The Singapore of Africa

Glanced the headline on this piece of news: "Rwanda - The Singapore of Africa" a few days back but did not pay much attention to it till I watched the CNA program: "Finding Singapore" tonight n was most impressed!!

The Singaporeans who went over there to start a biz, help to establish the vocational educational institutions, the unfortunate "Suburna Jurong company that laid off staffs inappropriately" doing the town planning master plan, etc. really made me feel proud n positive abt Singapore's contribution to this country that emerged from a horrific genocide past 22 yrs ago!!

Of course the strong President, reputedly in the mode of our late PM/SM/MM Lee helped. Not forgetting his group of passionate n able cabinet colleagues. N the people of Rwanda.

While this documentary primarily showed the many positive progress made. It would hv been more complete if it had shown some challenges or issues with this breakneck pace of change.

Nevertheless, most impressive show by the Rwandans. Economic progress n lengthening of living age from an average of 28 to more than 60+ in 22 years!!

May they continue to be successful n avoid the mistake of overly dependence on a strong government that plans everything. It is effective for certain time. Yet it must changed when the population becomes more educated n can contribute their ideas m solutions. Keeping the nation whole is paramount.

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