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Monday, February 13, 2017

Daily Lessons from Life 12 February 2017 - Give town councils back to the HDB?

"Give TC back to HDB? The Straits Times 12 Feb 2017

One thing that is clear from the proposed amendments to the Town Councils Act is that town councils are here to stay. But there is an alternative way in which they can be run properly. 

And that is to get the Housing Board to manage them again, say experts - a reverse of the current model which started in 1989."

Interesting that this topic was even published given that the Government is vehemently against it. It is strategic to hv the MPs be held accountable for estate management besides their other national duties n concerns for their electorates. 

The saga of the AHTC since GE2011 is still not ending even though the attacks on the competence n integrity of the opposition WP MPs hv not been in the news lately. Also the AMK-Bishan TC GM being investigated by the CPIB. Some wondered if they could be related. Or that we r so fascinated by the Terrex Tanks incident with PRC or the sudden re-application to review Pedra Branca by Msia lately.

Whatever. The points raised by the diverse experts will get no responses from the government besides it's official line since they changed the rules of the game - MPs must also be estate managers par excellence. 

They will be deaf n blind to valid concerns like:

1. why no established spin-off estate mgt companies fr HDB n PUB, etc. want the AHTC job when it paid the most?;

2. why no Big 4 auditing firms want their job until court assigned? n much later?;

3. why the TC Mgt Software was sold to a S$2 dollar company fronted by X-PAP members even though it is so-called legitimate?

Of course it will b wrong to only blame the government as since GE2011, the WP MPs hv plenty of time to help their electorates understand their difficulties CONSTANTLY while trying to still perform their duties in the area of estate mgt. They seemed to hv done well enough in non-financial governance bits though found wanting big time in the financial governance side. Notwithstanding none were formerly charged for frauds. 

So, this topic will still be hanging in the minds of the voters. Do we vote for MPs with all the experienced estate mgt companies n TC Mgt System or someone's who will help them to envision a brighter future n raise strategic issues besides just managing the real estates well.

Watch this space though keep yr expectations low seems the right strategy!!

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