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I am a Practitioner of 'The 7e Way of Leaders' where a Leader will Envision, Enable (ASK for TOP D), Empower, Execute, Energize, and Evolve grounded on ETHICS!

Monday, January 23, 2017

Daily Lessons from Life 22 January 2017 - Sgp PM's Specification?

Minister Shanmugam commented the qualities of the future PM at the side of a community event are: got to hv the steel or iron in his/her. In fact, he was quoting late PM/SM/MM Lee.

Good luck to the supposed 6 candidates, all men, namely: Chan Chun Seng, Heng Swee Keat, Lawrence Wong, Tan Chuan Jin, etc.

It will be a very different kind of challenges n recent showing on how we tried to resolve the Terrex tanks issue with China left much to be desired.

One-Road-One-Belt will be a reality n impact our entre-port status a lot. Keeping a very good relationship with China is a must unless we can participate in the grand rebuilding of the USA projects there.

China will hv to handle it's internal affairs well n prevent further poisoning its environment re: air, water n soils, so that its people can still till the lands n rivers to grow fruits, vegetables n fishes, etc., in case, the commerce, trade n manufacturing industries cannot grow due to the catastrophic environment disaster, n trade war with the USA!

Getting a China where no Chinese want to leave can only be a boon to the rest of the world as no country out there can afford to accept millions of refugees from China as their own home environment is no longer livable!!

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