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Saturday, August 19, 2017

Daily Lessons from Life 18 August 2017 - Religion, Trains breakdown n more...

1. "Regardless of Religion"

Watched it on CNA again tonight.

Strongly feel that it should be made a compulsory viewing by school kids fr primary 5 to varsity students!! And a strong facilitation team.

Peace to Sgp with each respecting their own n other's religion.

2. "NSL, DTL train delays caused by 2 separate, unrelated faults: LTA

SINGAPORE: The Friday morning (Aug 18) delays in train service on the North-South Line (NSL) and Downtown Line (DTL) were caused by two separate and unrelated faults, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) said in a news release that evening.

Preliminary findings showed that the signalling fault that held up train service on the NSL may have been caused by a defective train transmitting erroneous signals to the wayside radio units along the NSL.

Wayside radio units, which are part of the NSL'snew communications-based train control (CBTC) signalling system, are used to transmit signals between trains and MRT stations.

The rogue signals caused the wayside radio units to fail, and trains had to move at a slower speed for safety reasons, LTA said in its news release.

The reduced train frequency, in turn, led to congestion at NSL stations. 

The defective train has since been pulled from service, and a team of engineers from LTA, SMRT and Thales, the supplier of the new signalling system, are conducting further investigations into the cause of the fault."

I walked into this jam this morning taking bus. D8d not realise this was why the bus was so packed n many cars on the road n the journey took much longer time than expected. 

Should we complained given that signalling challenges had been anticipated n there was no other way to make safe until the bugs shown themselves in a real operating conditions. i.e. for some reasons these bugs cannot be "anticipated" in a test environment!!

Anyway, maybe this one should make PM Lee's NDR Speech on 20/8 Sunday?

3. Barcelona terrorists attacks

It seems these terrorists wanted to use explosives instead of just the vans to murder innocent people on the streets!

Thanks to their own incompetence, one of them died when the bomb went off unintentionally, forcing them to switch to Plan B!

More terrorists were killed n some captured before they can inflict more deaths n damages in other parts of Spain. Kudos to the security forces.

May this never happened in Sgp. 

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