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I am a Practitioner of 'The 7e Way of Leaders' where a Leader will Envision, Enable (ASK for TOP D), Empower, Execute, Energize, and Evolve grounded on ETHICS!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Daily Lessons from Life 24 July 2014 - Lady defending the father of an autistic son

MH17 Updates - May the reconciliation and closure for the families of the dead victims begin in earnest with the return of their bodies. Leave the stupid political gesturing and posturing to 'cover up or save face or whatever nonsense the guilty parties care to conjure up'!

More air disasters! - After yesterday reporting of the Taiwan crash of a TransAsia Airways turboprop plane  Air, we have report that Algerie flight AH 5017 carrying 116 people on board was reported to have crashed in Niger.

This is simply HORRIBLE!!

"Lady defended the father of an autistic son in the MRT train - http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/si...ommuter-on-mrt

The gist of it: "A 70+ years old commuter chided the father of the autistic child for not 'controlling' or 'parenting' the child who was making loud noises as he had raised an autistic child himself too who behaved better. The lady stood up and defended the father of this autistic child and explained that depending on the conditions of the autism, each autistic child may behave differently. That was when the commuter claimed that he was a 'doctor' and merely wanting to help. This 70+ years old 'doctor' made further inappropriate comments like: 'why do you buy a car instead of taking the public transportation?'."

What the lady did is one of the few good news for the day or the week with the 3 consecutive air disasters of MH17, Taiwan domestic flight and the latest crash of a passenger plane in Africa.

Lessons for me are:

1. The lady who stood up and defended the father of the autistic son had set the example for US to follow. All we need to do are to MODEL after her. Forget about those who may not or will not, just focus on those who WILL and just need a role model to take after;

2. As for the 70+ years old 'Doctor', I hope he has a chance to watch the video or had read this piece of news and REFLECT.

It is admirable that, IF TRUE, he had an autistic child that he brought up and did not behave in the manner that he found unacceptable in public. It is ALSO admirable IF he can take a deep breath, step back and REFLECT if what the lady had said are valid and plausible.

It is important for the 70+ years old 'Doctor' to be modelling the behaviours of a GRACEFULLY aging senior of reasons, compassion, understanding and kind as we are after all, a rapidly aging nation with many more OLDIES around.

We cannot afford to have moody and fearsome 'I am right and you are not' seniors around. It would be too depressing.

3.In this little episode, there are SO MUCH to learn. Depending on our mindset and how we look at it POSITIVELY. Some readers/contributors 'wished' that the 70+ years old 'doctor' go senile! I am not sure how this is going to help. The level of public discussion on cyberspace has much to improve still.

To the father of that autistic child, it is ok. You are alright. Your son is alright. Keep going!

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