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I am a Practitioner of 'The 7e Way of Leaders' where a Leader will Envision, Enable (ASK for TOP D), Empower, Execute, Energize, and Evolve grounded on ETHICS!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Daily Lessons from Life 20 April 2014 - Beirut sheds deadly past to become hip city

Korea Incheon-Jeju Ferry Tragedy Updates - 58 confirmed deed and 244 still missing as reported by CNN a few minutes ago.

MH370 Updates - still no news.

"Beirut sheds deadly past to become hip city - CNA 20 April 2014

BEIRUT: Lebanon's capital, Beirut, was once the centre-point of the country's civil war. But it has since shed its deadly past to become one of the Middle East's most hip and fashionable party destinations.
And that's often quite a surprise for foreign visitors. It's 10.30pm on Saturday in Beirut and the streets are packed with bar-hoppers.
For two decades, Lebanon was a dangerous war zone in the middle of a bitter civil war.
But despite its dark past, Beirut has gained a reputation for being one of the best party cities in the Middle East.
Every year, nightclubs in Beirut attract tens of thousands of partygoers from around the world.
For a growing number of Lebanese youth, partying provides a means of forgetting the past and putting aside fears for the future.
Medical doctor Andrew Letayf said: "People come out because they just want to get away and relax and live a normal life, like everybody does in the world.
"Unfortunately in Lebanon, with the political situation, it is tough, and Lebanese are very stubborn and they want to enjoy life, no matter what."
Fashion designer Rebecca Zaatar said: "People want to party, people have enough of all the negative things going around them. They need to have a drink at the end of the night. People are chilled and open-minded."
Syria's civil war has taken its toll on Lebanon's economy and security situation.
Since the war started three years ago, the country has been the target of 17 car bombs and the site of many armed clashes. But the Lebanese population is refusing to let political violence bring them down.
Beirut is often paired with war and destruction. While it is true that the city continues to be a target of violent terror attacks, Lebanese people have not let conflict and instability dampen their love of life.
Beirut's violent past has also influenced some of the city's most famous venues, like B018, situated in the Karantina neighbourhood.
During the civil war, the area was a slum home to thousands of Kurdish and Palestinian refugees and was later the site of a terrible massacre by local militias.
As a morbid reminder of the neighbourhood's bloody past, the underground nightclub was designed to look like a coffin - but this gruesome history doesn't deter the partygoers from enjoying their night.
Hedonism is definitely a way of living in Lebanon, and Beirut's carefree parties are a legacy of the country's turbulent past and uncertain future."

If this is true, I have to salute the people of Beirut for making it work for them.

Lessons for me are:

1. you don't want war and destruction to happen to your country, city and life for sure;

2. yet, it is NOT your choice when war and destruction happened to your country, city or life when some power-crazy or intolerant or 'mad' people are in control of the mechanism of government and wanted to create such havoc. Or is it your choice if there is a democratic election system?; Can you not use the sacred vote to bring the 'politicians' to task?;

3. yes it can be done and yes it will be difficult with many people asked to sacrifice everything, even their lives if need be. Only when this determination is there will the change have a chance of taking root and spread! Yet, how many ordinary citizens who just want to get on with making a living and live a reasonably decent life will be prepared to lay down their lives for their ideals? Not many. Rightly so. Hopefully it will be the spark that will ignite many embers waiting for the 1st spark!

It will be most interesting and worth the research investment to understand HOW the people in Beirut managed to turn a war and destruction city into a fashionable, hip and 'there-is-no-tomorrow' merry making city!

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