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I am a Practitioner of 'The 7e Way of Leaders' where a Leader will Envision, Enable (ASK for TOP D), Empower, Execute, Energize, and Evolve grounded on ETHICS!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Daily Lessons from Life 15 February 2014 - 50 years of peace as S’poreans understand responsibility to defend country: PM Lee

"50 years of peace as S’poreans understand responsibility to defend country: PM Lee - CNA 15 February 2014

SINGAPORE: Singapore has enjoyed 50 years of peace and progress because Singaporeans understand their responsibility to defend the country and stay united, said Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.

Prime Minister Lee made the comments at a Lunar New Year dinner at his Teck Ghee ward on Saturday, which coincides with Total Defence Day.

Mr Lee said the older Singaporeans who lived through World War II and the Japanese Occupation learnt that it was their responsibility to keep Singapore safe and secure -- which is why they supported Total Defence and National Service.

He said Singapore must keep up this vigilance and special effort.

Mr Lee urged Singaporeans to remain united as one people, even in the face of external challenges.

Prime Minister Lee said: “Because we are strong, because we are special, that is why we're successful, that is why we are respected around the world, that is why Singapore can stand tall, and we can hold our own beside much bigger countries in the world.
“But if you're small but a shining red dot -- that's different. Then they will know this is a serious country. It may be small, but it's capable. It may not be huge, but it knows what it is doing."

I guessed as we approach our 50th National Day in 2015, a lot of preparation have gone into whipping up patriotism and nationalism. Today being the Total Defense Day too.

Lessons for me are:

1. living in a neighborhood, you really want to be in harmony and at peace with your neighbors, regardless of their background, upbringing, etc AS LONG AS there are mutual respect for each other. The LAST thing you want is to have constant bickering and argument or even fights with your neighbors as it is unpleasant and very tiring and unproductive;

2. having said that, when the neighbors are acting BEYOND reasonableness toward you, there MUST BE a line in the sands that let everyone involved know that: 'enough is enough!' There WILL BE consequences if the neighbors continue the provoking acts. The line in the sands MUST BE clear and unequivocal so that any 3rd independent party were invited to 'referee' the situation, there are NO ROOM for loose interpretation;

3. of course for there to be CONSEQUENCES, you MUST have SOME, if not a lot, of 'options' to cause these CONSEQUENCES for the unfriendly neighbors who had GONE OVERBOARD. That means strengths, preparedness, and actually ready and able to exact SOME unwanted consequences on that neighbors. Singapore has prepared for that. We have a 'deterrent armed forces'. There will be consequences. Enough said.

However, ULTIMATELY, we want to AVOID conflicts at ALL COSTS, as when such quarrels start, they may not be able to end properly. It is NEVER FUN to live in a neighborhood where neighbors have to watch out for each other to prevent being attacked!

So, BEST is to be tactful, mutually respectful, 'big issues to turn into small issues' and 'small issues into no issues'. When there is PEACE and STABILITY, everyone can go about building PROSPERITY!

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