"'Two choices' for General Election timing, says PM Lee
SINGAPORE: There are two choices when it comes to the timing of the General Election, the country’s Prime Minister Mr Lee Hsien Loong said on Saturday (Mar 14), a day after changes to the electoral boundaries were announced.
“When to hold elections? That depends on the situation, and the outlook,” Mr Lee said in a Facebook post after holding a dialogue with grassroots leaders on COVID-19.
The next election, which has to take place by Apr 21 next year, can only be called after the electoral registers are updated, Mr Lee added.
"This will take about a month," he said.
Shortly after the Electoral Boundaries Review Committee (EBRC) released its report on Friday, the Elections Department said the registers of electors will be available for public inspection from Mar 14 to Mar 27.
Given the current situation, Mr Lee said Singapore has two choices – to hold elections after things stabilise or to call elections early.
“We have two choices. Either hope and pray that things will stabilise before the end of the term so that we can hold elections under more normal circumstances – but we have no certainty of that,” he wrote.
“Or else call elections early, knowing that we are going into a hurricane, to elect a new government with a fresh mandate and a full term ahead of it, which can work with Singaporeans on the critical tasks at hand.”
He said precautions will be taken if elections are to be held before the COVID-19 situation is over.
"If we have to hold elections before COVID-19 is over, we will take all the precautions necessary, so that parties can campaign effectively, and people can vote safely. At stake are jobs, businesses and lives," he wrote.
“Which way to go, and the elections date, will depend on what will best see Singapore through this major crisis.”"
When PM Lee broached this GE thingy, many questioned the need to consider it b4 the COVID-19 situation is resolved; unless it extends beyond Dec 2020.
If it is resolved by Dec 2020, the parties can all campaign n hv a "normal" GE with mass rally, walkabout n house visit etc. besides the online campaign since the deadline 4 the GE is b4 April 2021.
So, while PM Lee has 2 dates in mind of when to hold the GE, most would suggest that he does it AFTER the COVID-19 is taken care of.
SINGAPORE: There are two choices when it comes to the timing of the General Election, the country’s Prime Minister Mr Lee Hsien Loong said on Saturday (Mar 14), a day after changes to the electoral boundaries were announced.
“When to hold elections? That depends on the situation, and the outlook,” Mr Lee said in a Facebook post after holding a dialogue with grassroots leaders on COVID-19.
The next election, which has to take place by Apr 21 next year, can only be called after the electoral registers are updated, Mr Lee added.
"This will take about a month," he said.
Shortly after the Electoral Boundaries Review Committee (EBRC) released its report on Friday, the Elections Department said the registers of electors will be available for public inspection from Mar 14 to Mar 27.
Given the current situation, Mr Lee said Singapore has two choices – to hold elections after things stabilise or to call elections early.
“We have two choices. Either hope and pray that things will stabilise before the end of the term so that we can hold elections under more normal circumstances – but we have no certainty of that,” he wrote.
“Or else call elections early, knowing that we are going into a hurricane, to elect a new government with a fresh mandate and a full term ahead of it, which can work with Singaporeans on the critical tasks at hand.”
He said precautions will be taken if elections are to be held before the COVID-19 situation is over.
"If we have to hold elections before COVID-19 is over, we will take all the precautions necessary, so that parties can campaign effectively, and people can vote safely. At stake are jobs, businesses and lives," he wrote.
“Which way to go, and the elections date, will depend on what will best see Singapore through this major crisis.”"
When PM Lee broached this GE thingy, many questioned the need to consider it b4 the COVID-19 situation is resolved; unless it extends beyond Dec 2020.
If it is resolved by Dec 2020, the parties can all campaign n hv a "normal" GE with mass rally, walkabout n house visit etc. besides the online campaign since the deadline 4 the GE is b4 April 2021.
So, while PM Lee has 2 dates in mind of when to hold the GE, most would suggest that he does it AFTER the COVID-19 is taken care of.
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