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Sunday, February 16, 2020

Daily Lessons from Life 15 February 2020 - Total Defence Day

"Nation has been put to the test with COVID-19, collective defence the strongest defence: Chan Chun Sing

SINGAPORE: The nation has been put to the test the last few weeks due to the COVID-19 outbreak and the strongest defence is a collective one with everyone playing a part, Minister for Trade and Industry Chan Chun Sing said on Total Defence Day on Saturday (Feb 15).

Speaking at a commemoration event marking 78 years since the British surrendered to the Japanese Imperial Forces, Mr Chan looked at how Singapore has been dealing with the virus, framed against the pillars of Total Defence.

Falsehoods and rumours must be countered collectively, and that discipline to verify sources of information is both an individual and collective responsibility, he added.

"We must recognise the asymmetry in human psychology – bad news travel faster than good news. Fear overwhelms more easily than calmness. Because of this reason, all the more we need to try harder," said Mr Chan."

Today is Total Defence Day with the recently added 6th pillar - Digital Defence - in focus.

POFMA was passed rather expeditiously to deal with the threat of rapid n wide circulation n promulgation of falsehood online that may, in the Minister's opinion, damage public interest.

It was used in this covid-19 crisis 2 times on the infamous The StateTime Review (or something) m Facebook by the Minister of MOH. The NUMEROUS other times, the gov through go.gov.sg n reach.gov.sg n clarification by various organisations that were implicated in online or viral social msgs like NTUC, shops, etc. that the "news" were ALL inaccurate or downright untruth. It was very effective to stop people fr forwarding or sharing these falsehoods. Kudos to the communication folks n their organisations. SPF also helped to dispel any untruth.

So the effectiveness of our Digital Defences CAN b maintained or enhanced WITHOUT the cumbersome POFMA really.

No one or not many people hv a problem with the clarification notices by relevant organisations refuting those untruths being circulated. The temporary rush to hoard surgical face masks n daily essentials were handled well through reassurance by the gov n relevant organisations. Sensible n timely implementation of "purchases with limit" n MOH continuous assurance n highlighting of "covid-19 spreads faster but not as lethal as SARS where healthy person once infected can recover well!" msgs were pushed out n reinforced.

M glad the 6 critical cases r still getting the most appropriate treatment while more cases had recovered n discharged.

Fight on Sgp. Keep calm, cool m collected. Stop scaring yourself!!

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