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I am a Practitioner of 'The 7e Way of Leaders' where a Leader will Envision, Enable (ASK for TOP D), Empower, Execute, Energize, and Evolve grounded on ETHICS!

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Daily Lessons from Life 16-17 February 2017 - AVA Chickens n Syonan Gallery

Was on the plane for New Zealand last night n did not blog.

Interesting news today on Minister Yakob's apologies n change of Syonan Gallery name.

He n his ministry hv acknowledged the outrage by some n generally negative comments that the Syonan name implied endorsement of the Japanese occupation during WWII.

He did say at the opening that it was the furthest from their intention. The gallery is really to remind Singaporeans to remember the pains n atrocities a nation n its people might endure when it is been invaded n ran by uninvited foreign forces.

Still, the name Syonan Gallery is inappropriate. Hence, after further checking with the public, he acknowledged the oversight of the hurt feeling of the surviving descendants of those killed in that period. It was insensitive upon deeper reflection. So, the change n dropped "Syonan" from it.

Fine n good that he n his team acted n righted the mistake. Let's move on.

It would hv been to my liking if it is named: "Madness of War - Surviving the Japanese occupation".

On the troublesome culling of noisy chickens at a HDB housing estate, the AVA gave a total of 3 reasons at diffetent point un time for the killing: 1. due to complaints of been very noisy by some residents there; then 2. the culled chickens were not endangered spices; then 3. the head of AVA said it was to protect the people from bird flu!!

A case of the more you explained, the murkier the water becomes!! It either reflect poor understanding of why they culled the chickens or the worst case of "telling a lie to cover an earlier one told"!!

It would hv been more acceptable if the AVA head acknowledged the earlier 2 clarifications as inaccurate before offering the 3rd n final "explanation". Something it can learn from MCI Minister n his team. It is OK to make mistakes n own up. Just avoid making the same mistake next time. Some may say it is OK to be thick-skin while I see it as a very simple act of: be honest n sincere. Take responsibility, correct n move on!!

All the best moving forward. 

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